Dessert | Fresh Pasta Salad With Cucumber and Tofu

Fresh Pasta Salad With Cucumber and Tofu

Want to eat well with minimal guilt? Obviously eat a lot more nutrients that natural and healthy. Well, the menu on this one is definitely for you.
Pasta salad that we recommend this combines crisp and fresh pasta and cucumber with spicy soft tofu. Try our recipe here.

Dessert | Creamy Mashed Potato

Creamy Mashed Potato

Mashed potato can be presented as a substitute for rice or baby food that has not been able to chew. Besides delicious, mashed potato too easy fit it and eaten with a variety of other foods. How to make it easy, just follow the following steps.

Dessert | Coconut Cake

Coconut Cake

Cake with a unique and distinct flavor you can feel with making coconut cake this tape at home. It's easy, just follow the following steps.
