(foto:latheiereetlebol) |
Snapper stuffed with meat and mushrooms, fried crisp and crunchy. served with a sauce. This is very crisp and tasty, try it. for this time I still give the recipe for a large portion, if you subtract just too much. ^ _ ^ As you need it ...
- 48 cloves of garlic that has been crushed
- 4200 grams of edible mushroom that has been chopped coarse
- 4300 grams snapper that have been cut into small dice
- 4200 grams of sprouts
- 42 leeks sliced thinly
- 41 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce
- 41 teaspoon salt
- 42 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
- 41 teaspoon white pepper powder
- 41 teaspoon salt
- 444 sheets of dumpling skin
To taste Oil for frying
- 42 chicken eggs, take the egg white to glue dumpling skin
Sauce Ingredients:
- 46 pieces of red pepper that has been sliced thinly
- 420 red onions, marinated beef that has been rough
- 42 tablespoons chili sauce bottle
- 410 tablespoons soy sauce
- 42/4 teaspoon white pepper powder
- 42/4 teaspoon salt
- 4150 ml of water
1. To make the contents of dumplings, stir-fry garlic until fragrant oil, fill mushroom, snapper, and sprouts. Add green onion, soy sauce, pepper, salt. Cook until done, then chill.
2. Take a piece of dumpling skin, spoon the dumplings contents, then paste with egg white to form small pockets.
3. Fry until dry and crisp. Set aside.
4. Sauteed red peppers and pickled onions until fragrant, add the chili sauce, soy sauce, pepper powder, salt, and water.
5. Cook until boiling and remove from heat.
6. Serve with chili sauce.