Main Course | Chicken Tofu

Chicken Tofu

Hmmm.. You know that chicken is good
but if we made ​​with different recipes, would be very delicious  ^ _^

Main Course | Chilli Fried Milkfish

Chilli Fried Milkfish

Chili and Milkfish are rare mix we hear, but we will try to be delicious eaten

List of Ingredients:
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 2 eggs, beaten off
- 2 fish tail, clean and take prickly
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Cooking oil,

Main Course | Fried Carp Sauce

Fried carp sauce

Looks like a good day to eat Gurame Fried Sauce, let's try, hopefully good

List of Ingredients:
- 1 piece of lemon, squeeze the water
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- Cooking oil, for frying
- 200 gr flour ready-made seasoning
- 500 grams of carp fillets, cut into pieces

Main Course | Crispy noodles

Crispy noodles

What's good from a noodle, hmm try it if you do not believe it ^ _ ^. This delicious

List of Ingredients:
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking Oil
200 g egg noodles

Main Course | Fried Black Pepper

Meat Fried Black Pepper Steak

Want good food, but it is black, what is it? ooo I think the meat delicious fried black pepper, let's try to make it

Main Course | Crab Fried Oyster Sauce

Do not be afraid to look crab, ^ _ ^ This is very tasty at all, this Pinnings are not going  bites you

    List of Ingredients:
  • - Salt and pepper to taste
  • - 10 cloves of garlic, mashed
  • - 800 gr soft-shelled crabs
  • - 1200 ml Cooking oil