Dessert | Creamy Mashed Potato

Creamy Mashed Potato

Mashed potato can be presented as a substitute for rice or baby food that has not been able to chew. Besides delicious, mashed potato too easy fit it and eaten with a variety of other foods. How to make it easy, just follow the following steps.

Dessert | Coconut Cake

Coconut Cake

Cake with a unique and distinct flavor you can feel with making coconut cake this tape at home. It's easy, just follow the following steps.


Main Course | Fried Mozzarella Cheese Bread

Fried Mozzarella Cheese Bread
Cheese and bread are full diet of protein and carbohydrates. Suitable as a breakfast because filling. Let's make a variation of processed bread and cheese with mozzarella cheese fried bread recipe below. Melt the cheese ... yummy!